A woman entered a store wearing attire that displayed too much of her body.

A woman entered a store dressed in clothing that revealed too much of her body. The shop owner, a wise old guy, took a good look at her, asked her to sit down, looked directly into her eyes, and said something she would never forget for the rest of her life. “Young Lady, everything that God has made valuable in this world, is covered up and hard to see or find.”

For example: 1. Where do you find diamonds? On the ground, covered and sheltered. 2. Where are the pearls? Deep in the ocean, encased in a gorgeous shell. 3. Where do you find gold? Underground, covered in layers of rock, and accessible only via hard work and deep digging. He looked at her again and remarked, “Your body is sacred and unique to God.”

You are significantly more valuable than gold, diamonds, and pearls, so you must be protected. He went on to say, “If you keep your precious minerals like gold, diamonds, and pearls deeply covered, a reputable mining organization” with the proper machines will work for years to mine those priceless products. The process involves contacting your government (family), signing professional contracts (marriage), and extracting and refining precious assets. (Married life).

However, if you let your minerals to be exposed on the Earth’s surface, you will always draw a large number of illegal miners who will come, exploit, and freely take those riches, leaving you without the priceless products God provided you! Women, you are valuable!!

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